hah....promos in 2 days time....in the midst of all the stress....there is still time for peace, serenity, joy, happiness in cultivation...

love you always.... :)
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hah....promos in 2 days time....in the midst of all the stress....there is still time for peace, serenity, joy, happiness in cultivation...
"he is forsaken by the one in whom he had reposed all his trust..."
sunday with alot of blessings...
Was browsing through the channels i have on SCV during my lunch time break. fingers fall nicely on the buttons to press a '1' then following up closely with a '6'. there i landed on Discovery Travel and Living again. one of my favourite channels yep. hee. it was the usual Ian Wright show but somehow the place he was introducing today just look so so so familiar. yes it is Vienna....
thursday again...and its still raining. hee...nice to hear that VS got back to band 1 which is amongst the top 10 schools in Singapore again. yea frankly speaking this is where we really belong. for everything that i know, i have done my best for you and kept her flag unfurled...just as what Mr Maran always say,"Guys the school has put in everything in your batch in the hope that you guys will bring us back to where we are in the past." and 4 years down the road we truely stand up bravely to tell the world that VS is not the fallen force anymore. Still remember the uber low school moral when we were nearly out of the top 20 secondary schools in Singapore. yep its been comforting that our hard work did pay off.
its been nice. yea, something like what old ninjas has attained. Peace of the mind. Calm in the heart. but somehow my heart is kinda dead. no more emotional feelings. is it something bad for me? haiz...
hmmm...been hooked on JJ lin's song lately...it has been accompanying me through all the revision periods... find this particular song rather meaningful, because it just leaves such a nice after effect on me after listening it.
what the fuck....yea what the fuck...this is my mood now...
In school now. Hee...stresses over lessons. just finished computing lessons so mighht as well blog. Qing Shen is eating his bread now. Qing Wei is talking to Mohan. okokok.....the S44 peoples are studying for chemistry spa. Shant disturb them haha...
curiosity kills the cat...curiosity certainly killed me yesterday. i shouldn't have read those stuff really. din sleep well last night and the worst thing is to have woken up early on a saturday morning. arghh...my holidays gone really. well its no use thinking too much. it is another lesson learnt.
fri-day....yep it basically fried my day. today isn't really a good day for me to say yep. except for the few hours that i am studying and doing housework chores...you know swept the floor then mop it. sometimes it just gets me wondering, bcos i somehow find joy in doing all these, as in when you are doing all the work you basically do not think through your troubles and stuff... yep just you yourself and your broom and whatsoever that you are holding. sometimes it makes you wonder what life is really about.
heh...thursday the usual day...cos it never fails to rain... haha snyo day that is. well i promise, it NEVER fails to rain on thursday mornings really. usually i will be having my maths lecture in LT3, then it starts to get colder and colder. well you know, its raining AGAIN...
hmm... its been amazing how the holidays has progressed...i am truly amazed really. apart from the certain fraction of the day that i spent stoning, you know where you just spare into the blank space infront and thinking of nothing and dun even know that someone is calling you. yea probably that is what i enjoy doing the most these days. its the time where i dun belong to anyone or anything, where i live in my own world that is trouble free, like back in those days in VS and in primary school. bah...
finally after a year plus... i decided to publish my blog... surprise that i've been keeping a blog? been keeping it a secret bcos i have been writing stuff that really concerns about my life...not that i dun have a life anymore...but i think it wouldn't be fun to just keep everything to myself...deleted the previous blog and set up this new one... bcos it is really private stuff...stuff that brought me happiness and sorrow throughout this past year...stuff i have decided to chuck it aside and leave it on internet's lost space....sighz...it is a new start and a new beginning...hope things will be different from now on....