hohoho....merry christmas!!!
kk today went for church for service then went orchard to lunch and shop haha....now guys u have to shop only on christmas because there is end-of-season sales which has much more to offer than pre-season sales haha...yep...then i think i saw a dream car of mine. saw this toyota jeep like car...gosh...i hardly find family car that is actually taller than me! yep wanted to take a picture of it but well better not, dont want to invite troubles. well, definitely i will work towards the future...
okok now got to back track abit to the chalet. hee, definitely i think overall it is real nice, especially amongst the peeps of bungalow 15. yep we had a fun time really. but it was too short really...just have this feeling that i never want it to end. was having some sidetrack thoughts you know. like if i can add a car of my own there.hee....then the bungalow belongs to me...hehe...then me and my wife are there....hehe...then having fun with all the friends hehe....gosh that is really THE future you know.
and as i always say, zhong yu works hard for it to come true!!
oh well, dreams come true right if you dare to dream about it and i believe i've got the ability as well...so just wait and see...hee...
anyway really, towards the end there are few things that joyce said that really hit my heart.
1. before we step out of the bungalow lazing around, she said to sherry,"aiyah, really dont want you to leave you know."
i gave a huge sigh, yep really dont want you to leave but well theres nothing much that we can do but just to treasure the remaining time we have left. really dont forget us you know as the years go by....
2. afterwards when we all stepped out of the bungalow, joyce said to me again,"haiz, your 6 years ends here...." yep it definitely ended there and also i guess a pretty nice way to bade goodbye to my snyo career. 6 years with friends coming and leaving, but i really never made much effort to retain them in my life and all. just there were great buddies like edward, jonathan ong, hoe yong, matthew harkness, duana, isabelle and many batches infront all the way back till year 1999 when i joined the main orchestra, it was really the turning point of my life. and of course, the one and good old andris and gipson who basically grew up with me in the orchestra. the 3 pri 5 who were almost in the main orchestra since 1999. gosh 6 years, its been alot. the up and downs in the orchestra, the transition, we all witnessed it together. really thank you all guys.
and a nice way to end everything, we took a very nice picture outside the bungalow.

yep, definitely i will take all the effort to retain both of you girls in my life, especially you...yea YOU. both of you came and made really nice impact on it. yep definitely because...
You girls rocked my world...
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