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Monday, July 03, 2006

theres always a need to make decisions in life. yes or no. yes simply that. that is always the two conclusions to most issues you handle. but sometimes, you can always work out for the course, to make the yes to become a no, or to make a no become a yes. however, sometimes situation just get quite sticky, you dont really know whether it is a yes, yes. or is it a no, no. yea thats probably how irritating it is.

anyway, sometimes i do think that the outcome for the future is always certain. certain things always end up in a certain way no matter what is going to happen. some it is still the same, either a 'yes' situation or a 'no' situation. last night, my mum somehow asked me this question. somehow she reads my mind, and somehow i was also shocked to hear the question being asked. and well all i can say is that i really dont know what will happen if the scenario is true, and what she asked is really going to happen. i got a big jolt on the right side of the chest and i really feel terrible. maybe the feeling will be worse when it happen, and maybe things will go on smoothly, go the way i want it and i can avoid this patch in the future. yea.

so no matter what happens, there can only be two conclusion i guess. one is really cruel while the other seems sweet. the sweet one i really hope it does happen, but the cruel one, if it will be really going to happen, then there is nothing i can do to stop it. but somehow , i think i still got to face it anyway. but there is an option out there. it is really up to me really. do something drastic and hopefully that even when the so called cruel situation crash in, it would least affect in a way then. i guess i ought to continue seek for the answer, and do proper planning. cause things cannot just carry on like this. somehow i do think i mean it this time....


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