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Saturday, June 17, 2006

if you people think that the previous entry is crap, which is almost i think, theres no harm in trying though. dark chocolates would not harm, or else just leave it to the myth busters then. heh :)...

all i can say holidays is ending soon. if you really call it a holiday. came across an article in Today earlier, obviously, some people out there are not really happy about studying their way through the holidays. so they wrote in to complain about lack of of family life, quality family bonding hours that is lost over studying and ultimately naming this june holidays, the 'mid term home study' break. quite true is it. at last someone is speaking the minds of the thousands out there. but judging on all the hypes before term break, if you push mid-years before term break, not only the students would go berserk, the teachers would be meeting their doomsday too. so lets not push it too hard alright. while there is an infinite supply of students out there, the supply of teachers are not meeting the excess demand. so lets not push for over shortage by piling up their workloads. after all, and once again, we are just beings under the starry night.

it is not easy trying to manage the stress of mid-years and the process of growing up. or is it that the workload that has gotten to me once again. hmm...many things to think about. last year this time, i was seventeen, gone through a rough time. although there were sweet moments like the tour, there were bitter moments to face as well. i certainly hope this year would not be a replica, although i still do see certain amount of repetitions again. certain things that happen are just so familiar....not very sure got hit by this song "I was only Seventeen"....hmmm


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