alright, an early Happy Father's Day to all father's out there :)
tonight was a special night i was. due to my sis-in-law hospital night call tomorrow night, which is like working from tomorrow 7am onwards up till monday 12 noon. yes thats night calls. poor doctors out there. so we had an early celebration of Father's Day. both family haha. so its my sis-in-law's family and my family together. it was a lively steam boat dinner. :)
when two Fathers come together, you have to beware. cos their alcohol capacity is big....haha....the more they eat, the more they drink and the more they talk. yep it was really nice...
anyway just to show off abit :) after dinner, i personally came up with a bit of surprise. heh.....
my very own chocolate much delights, the folks love it :)

and also strawberry chocz :)

hehe...with abit of choya, the night's so great :)
Happy Fathers' Day once again!
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