dreams is what we live for. dreams are the motivational factors driving us to achieve them in everyday life. the musical, Lao Jiu, which i am playing is about dreams. where one sacrifices alot of things around him to achieve it.
the main character is actually acting out his real life encounter. giving up all he has to pursue his dreams in puppet show. this is what he did in the musical. in real life, he gave up his life of good prospects for the essence of theatre studies. this is what he did for his dream. as the name suggests itself, musical is the combination of actors singing on the stage together with the music that is going on in the orchestra pit. without the music, the musical can never go on. with neither roles playing their part, the musical can never be a success.
this actor put in his soul into this musical. because he is actually singing out his life. it was touching especially when he really cried after the last scene. it goes to show how much did he sacrifice for his dreams. i was really touched. i actually got into his mood when i was playing the music for the last scene. maybe it is the factor of everything that cause him to sit down there and cry after the show. for once, i have never realised that i have to put in so much of real emotion when playing my violin. a lot of things went through my mind, a lot a lot... in the end all these are also gonna convert into dreams of mine.
i will work hard too to fulfil them....