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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

its part of growing up i think.....

wads the point of having a wireless keyboard when u know that ur comp cant use it? u cant have a black keyboard to match my iMac....all and all there are so many many many things that so contradict in my life now...

but what if i come to the decision that i just give up everything and just settle for things that i strongly believe in. that i should really cherish all these because they are all within my grasps rather than looking far beyond, planning so hard for the future and you know that the probability is so small. yea P(X) is so small...and X is so random.....and maybe in time to come where X becomes Y...will the probability be bigger? dang thats too much statisitcs for my life.....

maybe i should really come to the point where i really make THE decision.....again growing up sux isnt it....


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